Name 姓名: Susie 陳慧嘉

Age 年齡: 19

Language 語言: English 英文、Mandarin 普通話、Cantonese 廣東話

Hobbies 興趣: Volleyball 打排球、Hiking 爬山、Painting 繪畫

Special Talent 特別才能: Singing 唱歌

Favorite Country/City 喜愛國家/城市: New York 紐約

Favorite Music 喜愛音樂: R&B、Hip-hop 嘻哈、Pop 流行曲

Favorite Artists 喜愛藝人: Adele、 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋、Jay Chou 周杰倫

Favorite Idol Drama 喜愛偶像劇: The Empress of China 武媚娘

Favorite Movie 喜愛電影: Avatar 阿凡達

Favorite Animals 最喜愛動物: Giraffe 長頸鹿、Elephant 大象

Favorite Food 最喜愛食物: Korean Food 韓國菜

Most Memorable Moment 最難忘經歷: Living in UBC dormitory this past year and learning to take care of myself 過去一年在大學宿舍學習如何照顧自己

Most Embarrassing Moment 最尷尬事情: My car hit a parked car 我的車撞向一輛已停泊的車

Most Admired Person 最敬仰人物: Steve Jobs, because of his passion, creativity and ability to innovate 蓋茲,欣賞他的熱誠、創造力,以及敢於創新

Goals/Dreams in Life 志願/夢想: Travel the world and live a happy, healthy life 身體健康,開開心心及環遊世界

When asked about your fashion style, the first 5 words/terms that come to your mind are 被問及你穿衣風格,你最先想到的5個名詞或形容詞是: Flirty, Simple, Chic, Classic, Preppy