Name 姓名: Angela 吳安琪

Age 年齡: 17

Language 語言: English 英文 、Mandarin 普通話、French 法文

Hobbies 興趣: Writing 寫作、Reciting poetry 唸詩、Watching music video 看MV

Special Talent 特別才能: Playing Piano 彈鋼琴、 Singing 唱歌

Favorite Country/City 喜愛國家/城市: Vancouver 溫哥華、London 倫敦

Favorite Music 喜愛音樂: Alternative Rock 搖滾樂、Classical 古典音樂、Folk 民歌

Favorite Artists 喜愛藝人: Ayumi Hamasaki 濱崎步、Jerry Yan 言承旭

Favorite Idol Drama 喜愛偶像劇: Japanese & Taiwanese version of Meteor Garden 日本版及台灣版的流星花園

Favorite Color 喜愛顏色: Coral Pink 珊瑚粉紅

Favorite Animals 喜愛動物: Bunnies 小白兔

Favorite Food 喜愛食物: Blueberries 藍莓、Chocolate 巧克力、Cake 蛋糕、Ice-cream 冰淇淋

Most Memorable Moment 最難忘經歷: School trip to England for a literary tour 參加學校舉辦的英國文學之旅

Most Admired Person 最敬仰人物: My mother, she is my supporter, teacher & companion 媽媽,她是我最好的支持者、老師和朋友

Best Attributes of my Body 最滿意身體部位: My hands, they look elegant when I play piano 手,彈琴時覺得雙手很優雅

Goals/Dreams in Life 志願/夢想: Write a book 寫一本書

When asked about your fashion style, the first 5 words/terms that come to your mind are 被問及你穿衣風格,你最先想到的5個名詞或形容詞是: Colorful, Cute, Comfortable, Causal, Carefree