Name 姓名: Mary 錢美如

Age 年齡: 18

Language 語言: English 英文 、Mandarin 普通話、Cantonese 廣東話

Hobbies 興趣: Cooking 烹飪、Eating 吃、Crafting 手工藝

Special Talent 特別才能: Cooking 烹飪

Favorite Country/City 喜愛國家/城市: Korean 韓國、China 中國

Favorite Music 喜愛音樂: K-Pop 韓國流行曲、Hip-Hop (funky base) 嘻哈

Favorite Artists 喜愛藝人: TVXQ 東方神起、Lee Hyo Ri 李考利、Lu Han 鹿晗

Favorite Movie 喜愛電影: Tiny Times 小時代、Aquamarine

Favorite Animals 喜愛動物: Any pets except caterpillar 除了毛蟲,任何可以在家養的小動物也喜歡

Favorite Food 喜愛食物: Anything tastes good 只要是好味的食物都喜歡

Most Memorable Moment 最難忘經歷: Enter Sunshine Nation 參加 Sunshine Nation

Most Admired Person 最敬仰人物: My friends, they teach me how to become stronger which I never got taught in school 身邊的朋友,從他們身上學到如何自強,這是一些在學校裡學不到的事情

Best Attributes of my body 最滿意身體部位: Finger nails, I like their shapes 指甲,我的指甲形狀方方長長,蠻好看的

Definition of Sunshine Nation 對你來說 Sunshine Nation 是: A stage filled with surprises, attempts and expectation 一個充滿驚喜、嘗試及期待的舞台

Goals/Dreams in Life 志願/夢想: Be a good daughter, a best friend and a professional program host who can bring joy and laughter to the others 做一個能帶給他人歡樂的好女兒、好朋友及好主持

When asked about your fashion style, the first 5 words/terms that come to your mind are 被問及你穿衣風格,你最先想到的5個名詞或形容詞是: 舒服、精緻、簡單、凸顯、大方