Name 姓名: Suani 王甜甜

Age 年齡: 18

Language 語言: English 英文、Mandarin 普通話、Spanish 西班牙語

Hobbies 興趣: Working out 健身、Watching movies 看電影、Playing ukulele 彈夏威夷結他

Special Talent 特別才能: Flexible 身體柔軟、Play the flute 吹笛

Favorite Country/City 喜愛國家/城市: Colombia 哥倫比亞、Hawaii 夏威夷

Favorite Artists 喜愛藝人: Rihanna

Favorite Movie 喜愛電影: Sherlock Holmes, She’s the Man

Favorite Animals 最喜愛動物: Otters 水瀨、Cats 貓

Favorite Food 最喜愛食物: Sichuan food 四川菜

Least Favorite Food 最討厭食物: Foie Gras 法式鵝肝

Most Memorable Moment 最難忘經歷: Nerve wracking test in Shanghai Conservatory of Music 超難的上海音樂學院入學試

Most Embarrassing Moment 最尷尬事情: Falling down the stairs of a sky train in China 於中國乘搭天車,落梯級時不慎跌倒

Most Admired Person 最敬仰人物: My sister, she is hard working, independent and determined 姐姐,她很努力、獨立又決斷

Best Attributes of my body 最滿意身體部位: Eyes, brown on top from my mom and green at the bottom from my dad 雙眼,眼珠上面的咖啡色及下面的綠色,分別遺傳自媽媽及爸爸

Goals/Dreams in Life 志願/夢想: To be happy in life with a successful career 事業成功,生活快樂

When asked about your fashion style, the first 5 words/terms that come to your mind are 被問及你穿衣風格,你最先想到的5個名詞或形容詞是: Casual, Summery, Girly, Colorful, Cute